Monday, August 11, 2014

Use Decorative Tile For Kitchen and Bath Backsplashes


Both the kitchen and bathroom backsplash areas behind the sink are central focal points. Eyes are naturally drawn to this area whenever someone walks into the room or is standing at the sink area. If you would like to make a bold statement and greatly enhance the backsplashes in your kitchen and bathroom, there are many choices. A typical kitchen backsplash is a rather large area and is a prime location to install decorative ceramic tile.

The design you choose can be as large or as small as you like and the height depends on how much space is available. There are both practical and aesthetic advantages to tiling this area. First, you will protect your kitchen wall from grease splatters, moisture and heat and will not have to be concerned with doing any drywall repair and/or re-painting as a result of these elements causing damage to the area. Secondly, you do not have to use dull, plain tiles to cover this vital area.

You could use a tile mural with a unique design to add a much needed splash of color above your counter tops. Since you use the kitchen daily, be sure to choose a design that you find appealing and one you will be happy with for many years into the future. The general rule of thumb is: if your backsplash is large-use larger tiles but if it is limited in space, go with small tiles. For the kitchen, consider the type of kitchen you have to help you choose an appropriate theme. For instance, if your kitchen is rustic and has a bit of a country theme, consider installing a tiled backsplash that involves nature scenes such as trees or animals from nature such as deer, bear or birds.

You can border the decorative tile with a darker color to make the area stand out. In the bathroom, mosaic glass tiles are a great choice for the backsplash. This type of tile offers an appearance that cannot be achieved with conventional tiles as the vibrant and deep nature of the tile paired with the reflective quality of glass results in a extraordinary effect.

Glass tiles are not only beautiful but they are easy to keep clean and they do not become discolored from substances being splashed on them such as toothpaste, aftershave lotion and other common bathroom products. You can simply spray the glass tile backsplash with conventional window cleaner to shine the area quickly if water marks appear. This type of tile looks amazing with small spotlights installed overhead which point on the area, resulting in a dazzling and very attractive focal point in any bathroom.
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Decorative Ceramic Tile - Perfect For Any Room in Your Home


Decorative ceramic tile comes in a variety of sizes for all of your decorating needs. Whether you are looking for a floor tile or a border set, you will be able to find a size, color and pattern you like thanks to the many choices on the market today.

 Three styles are currently available for you to choose from. These are quarry tile, mosaic tile and glazed tile. Find the one that meets your needs, and redo your home in style. The addition of tile can make a major change to any room in your house.

 Quarry tile is any decorative ceramic tile made from a mixture of clays. These tiles are usually deep red in color and do not have a glaze finish. The most common use for these tiles is to remake an interior floor, although they can be used in other areas.

 These unglazed tiles are porous and irregular in shape, and you can choose to have them sealed or leave them natural. Caution is necessary if you opt to go with unsealed tiles though, as they may stain if spilled upon.

 Mosaic tiles are made from different clay materials to which color pigments have been added. With this type of decorative ceramic tile, the color goes throughout, so you don't have to worry about fading.

 In addition, mosaic tiles are moisture resistant and stain proof, making them suitable for almost any surface. Unlike other decorative ceramic tiles, this style will not chip easily, making it great for heavy traffic areas. Feel free to use it in any room in your home.

 Glazed tiles are also made from a mixture of clays. A variety of options are available in terms of these decorative ceramic tiles. You can choose from matte, abrasive slip resistant, and high gloss finishes. There is also a choice of pre-stamped patterns or hand painted designs.

 The biggest drawback to this style is that the glaze does not go all the way through each piece. If something is dropped on the tile it may chip, allowing you to see the color inside.

 Also, glazed ceramics used for countertops often get scratched. But if you really like this decorative accent for your home, use it on the walls. Here your glazed tiles will look beautiful and stay like new. Wherever you choose to install decorative ceramic tiles in your house, they will be an attractive addition to your decor.
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Decorative Moroccan Tiles Make Great House Warming Gifts


Know of any friends who are planning on buying a house? Or they have recently bought one and are in the process of planning how to have it renovated. Here are a few suggestions that you could take note of in case you are planning to get them some really cool Moroccan tiles as house warming gift for them.

 Find Out Their Taste 

 If your friends come across as those who enjoy culturally rich items, then these Moroccan cement tiles will be really suitable for them. There are a few places where they could have these tiles placed within their homes. But that would depend on the design and layout of their renovation plans. Some may want to add these in their kitchen or bathroom while others may want to have them build round the fire place. Home owners who are planning on renovating your own home could also take note of these ideas in case you prefer to choose the type and design of the tiles on your own.

 Would They Like It On The Walls? 

 Some people would like to display their creativity and artistic side by having these Moroccan décor build into the walls of their homes. Others may prefer them on the floor. Whichever preference is fine as long as you check out which type of tiles is suited for which type of room and environment. For instance, you would need to get some encaustic ones if you want to place them in the bathroom. Since that's always a humid place and is constantly being cleaned, you wouldn't want the pattern or design on these beautiful tiles to be wiped away easily. If it's in the kitchen, you could have them as a table top decoration to add some color and character to your kitchen.

 Or As A Mounted Decoration? 

 And if they don't like to make any changes to their renovation plans, you could always give it to them as a decorative piece. Be it mounted properly in a picture frame or in different sets so that they could put together their own patterns or designs for the house. Perhaps they may even want to have these tiles displayed creatively in smaller picture frames around the home after they have been re-arranged in different patterns before being framed up.


 So put these creative ideas to good use if you are planning on getting some house warming gifts for friends or family members. In fact, if you are planning some home renovation for yourself, you could take them into consideration as well. Have a good one!
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